Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Overcoming Obstacles

"Obstacles are those frightful things we see when we fail to focus on our goals"
- Successories

Everyone encounters obstacles in life whether they are financial issues, health issues, family issues or anything that stands in our way of living a healthy, less stressful and rewarding life. We all need to feel a sense of accomplishment, to feel proud of who we are and who we have yet to become. You are capable of overcoming every obstacle that life throws at you by planning for them before they arrive. How? Create your own mental artillery.

The best way I know to overcome the obstacles that life throws at you, is by combating them head on. Pretending that obstacles do not exist, or letting them control your life, is a recipe for disaster and one that usually ends in feeling of failure and a loss of self confidence. This is a complete waste of time, not to mention mentally challenging, so I suggest you destroy the obstacles before they destroy you.

In overcoming obstacles, the written word becomes your ammunition against these obtrusive and negative thoughts. Many obstacles will either gain strength or fizzle out by your perception of the situation. You may view the obstacle as a blessing in disguise, to motivate you beyond your wildest dreams. Or, you may view the obstacle as a defeat in your mission and leave it at that which is a dangerous choice. It all depends on your perception, but more importantly, it is how you choose to act, once the challenge presents itself, that determines the outcome.

My secret weapon that I turn to nearly every time a challenge presents itself in my life is my "motivation journal". This a a journal that I have created to be my personal attack against all negativity and self doubt that comes my way. It is my "little black book" of information that pertains only to me, created by me and viewed only by me. Yes, it's all about me!! lol Your journal will be all about you, your interests, your issues and your resolutions to your personal obstacles in life.

In my journal I have many different sections which are ready to help when a situation arises. These sections are titled; Inspiration, Goals, Ideas, Quotes, Spiritual and Motivation. Every time I come across a positive quote, something that motivates me, a great business idea or anything that inspires me, I write it down in the notebook. Over the years I've collected quite a few positive and motivating thoughts which have become my personal sanctuary when I need them the most. They remind me to stay strong, focused, inspired and motivated. They also remind me that all things, including obstacles, work together for the greater good if that is what I believe. I am inviting you to create your own motivational journal, arm yourself against obstacles before they come your way and you'll succeed beyond your wildest dreams. Dream big!

"People who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity, no matter how impressive their other talents." - Andrew Carnegie

To your success!