Friday, August 24, 2012

My Big Fat Greek Salad

My Big Fat Greek Salad
OMG I just whipped up the BEST Greek dressing ever!  Fresh & tangy and oh so delicious on my beautiful salad which is just bursting with nutrients!  You know I talk all the time about creating Trainer Girl PCF Combo meals and this one is perfect, satisfying and so very scrumptious! The Protein in the salad is the chicken and the feta, the Carbohydrates are the veggies and the healthy Fat is the Olive Oil in the dressing and also in the feta.

This is a must try for a great lunch and even a fantastic dinner on these hot summer nights.  It was extremely easy also because it was left over chicken from the night before :)  You know I love the "cook once and eat many times" principle and what could be easier on a busy night than throwing a few ingredients together for a complete, healthy and satisfying meal.  Try it tonight :)

Remember...a serving size of dressing is 2 Tablespoons and a great way to always dress your salad is by having it on the side and dipping each forkful into the dressing. This way it's not saturating the entire salad, you'll use less and have control over your calorie consumption.

My Big Fat Greek Salad
Romain Lettuce- as much as you want
Tomato - as much as you want
Cucumber - as much as you want
3 - Slices of Beets
3 - Kalamata Olives
1 inch cube of Feta Cheese crumbled
3 oz. Cooked Chicken

My Big Fat Greek Dressing
2/3 cup Rice Vinegar (I like Nakano with the red cap)
1 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1 1/4 teaspoon dried oregano
1 1/4 teaspoon dried basil
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup Olive Oil

Place all ingredients except the olive oil into a blender and blend a few seconds.  On the lowest speed of the blender, very slowly drizzle the olive oil into the vinegar herb mixture.  This will give you a creamy texture and allow the dressing to emulsify and prevent separation of the oil and vinegar. 

This recipe makes approximately 1 1/4 cups of dressing, store leftovers in the refrigerator up to a week.   


Leave a comment and let me know how you like it :)