Wednesday, September 15, 2010

You Are a Priority

Somehow, somewhere down the line, we  have been taught the message that spending a little time on yourself is "selfish".  I'm still not sure which genius came up with such an idiotic theory, but it seriously needs to end here.

I know too many women who put themselves last on the priority list.  They've spent their entire adult lives taking care of children, husbands, grandparents, parents and many are nurses who take care of patients all day, everyday, without the slightest hesitation to give 100% of their time and dedication, to do the best job they can.  

However, ask them to spend an hour on themselves, and watch the horror take place.  First, it seems as if I'm speaking a foreign language, I understand that these are new words, and new concepts, but I promise I am speaking English.  Then, it's every single excuse in the book of why they can't possibly spend that much time on themselves, they have too many "priorities" that need attention.  When the excuses run out, and my English words set in, the thought of dedicating time to themselves brings out the big daddy of all horrors.....Guilt!

Again, I'm not sure where this started, and I'm really puzzled about why we keep passing around, but I'm taking a stand, stepping up to the plate and shouting "your needs are a priority".  If you feel guilty about this, or need to blame someone, blame me!  I'm the mother of teenagers, so I'm used to it always being "my fault", it doesn't bother me.  I'll be the "bad guy" here if it gets you to put a value on yourself, your health and enjoying your life. 

I want you to value yourself, every day.  It's not selfish to want to look and feel good, get comfortable with that concept.  Focusing on your well being needs to be at the top of your to-do list because, if you don't put yourself on the list, if you don't believe that you are a priority, why would anybody else?   You are worth it, you do deserve it, you are important. I know you have responsibilities, just remember that being responsible, and caring for everyone, includes caring for yourself too.  To your health!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Building Your Support Network

Why should you take the time to build a support network?  Simple.  There is power in numbers, and a great support group can pull you through some of your toughest struggles.  Also, they are a great tool in holding you accountable to ensure success.  The more people you have on your side, the easier living a healthy lifestyle becomes.  When you surround yourself with people of like interests, people striving for the same things, success is inevitable. 

I like to think of it as creating your "Board of Directors".  Your game plan is to incorporate a wide variety of friends and family who will support you, lend encouragement and provide fun along the way.   

Positions to be filled:

The "Encourager" for moral support.
The "Motivator" who gets everyone exercising with enthusiasm.
The "Informer" who provides the health and fitness information needed to create a healthy lifestyle.
The "Comic" who keeps the group entertained and laughing throughout the journey.
The "Accountant" who holds you accountable and focused on your goals.
The "Counselor" who is there to listen and encourage your efforts.
The "Chef" who is always looking for and sharing healthy recipes.

When you are just starting out and trying to develop a personal health and fitness plan, your Board of Directors will be instrumental to your success.  In the beginning, we all have slip ups along the way.  Let me rephrase that, throughout life, we all have slip ups along the way.  You're looking for a team of support that will lend their encouragement, without judgment, when minor set-backs occur. 

The key to success is consistency.  By consistently surrounding yourself with the best, you'll become your best achieving all of your health and fitness goals. 

Now get out the clip board and start interviewing! 

To your success!