Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Step 1...The Thought Process

"Today is the day that you start moving with life instead of against it.  It is the day you will do the right thing, even if you don’t want to, for no other reason other than because it is the right thing to do.  You will accept that all of your decisions transcend into your life and create its dynamics.  You are the ruler of your life and possess all of the power that you need to make all of your dreams and goals a reality.  Living your dream and accomplishing your goals will be gained by simply tapping into this power that you already possess.  Let something amazing get a hold of you today and embrace it."

This is what I wrote to myself today.  I do consider myself to be a positive person, to look for the good in people and in every situation.  I believe what you put out into the world is what comes back to you times 10.  I believe in the "Law of Attraction" that basically states that your thoughts send out a magnetic signal to attract what it is you are thinking which is exactly WHY I wrote myself a note today. 

To be honest with you, I could not be happier that 2012 is over!  On a personal level it was a year of many trials and tribulations in my life and I'll admit I wasn't saying those affirmations to myself all that often.  On the outside I appeared positive and hopeful but on the inside I certainly didn't think or feel that way.  

Why am I telling you this?  Well it occurred to me that the more attention I gave the problems in my life, the negative things and the negative thoughts the more they became apparent.  I'm a walking testament of the concept that "like attracts like" and although I know this and have practiced "what you send into the Universe is what you attract" I just got lost along the way.  I opened the door to negative thoughts, depression and despair...I allowed it!   Well that party is over!

So this year I have decided that I will NOT allow anything to steal my joy, my hopes, my dreams and my plan for the best year of my life...also known as 2013!  

What I know for sure is that amazing things happen when people imagine them, plan for them and execute the plan to completion.    Make this the best year of your life.  Shoot for the stars, live a life of excellence, dream beyond your wildest dreams and expect them to come true. 
So join me in making 2013 the best year of your life.  Write yourself an affirmation, your goals and your dreams.  Keep them where you can see them everyday and speak them into the Universe EVERYDAY!   Every single day begin with the positive things that you will attract as that is the key! 
Now strap yourselves in ladies and gentlemen because it's going to be an awesome ride!
To your success! 

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