Friday, November 14, 2014

Disgusting "Natural" Ingredients that You're Eating

This has to be one of my favorite conversations that I have as a trainer and nutritional consultant.  I love when people say "it's all natural" and I say so is a beavers anal glad but I don't want it in my food!  Now that I've got your attention lol, you may think that I'm kidding but unfortunately it is a disgusting fact.

Beware of "natural flavor" and products labeled "natural".  Once upon a time those words meant something but as quantity and shelf life replaced the quality of food the word "natural" actually means nothing and is a pure marketing technique used to make you think you're buying a quality product.  This shift took place due to companies focusing on money, making things cheaper and extending their shelf life vs. giving you a healthy quality product. 

Also something you may not be aware of is that "natural" labeled products are NOT regulated by anyone.  They can contain antibiotics, toxic pesticides, growth hormones and many other things that do not have to be disclosed to call a product "natural".   It's the same with vitamins and supplements these are NOT regulated either so buyer beware.  Anyone can sell a product labeled "natural" and it could be anything but which is an absolute shame that our government allows such blatant practices.
Here's a few other "natural" ingredients you may want to check for...

1. Coal Tar (also known as yellow #5) which can be found in Kraft macaroni and cheese, candy, fruit snacks, Doritos and Cheetos to name a few.

2. Beetles (also known as Carmine) which is used as a "natural" food coloring in products such as ice cream, yogurt and many candies.

3. Beaver Anal Glands (also known as Castoreum) which is an FDA approved "natural flavoring" that can be found in raspberry, strawberry and vanilla flavored foods like ice cream, yogurts, candy and jellies. 

So now that I've probably freaked you out a little and you'll be rummaging through your pantry shortly, remember we can't control what they put into our food but we can control what we put into our mouth.

Even the healthy foods like lean proteins, fruits and vegetables are all grown in soil that is depleted of the nutrients it once had back in the day before we started using all these pesticides and hormones used to "enhance" our food.  Our fish and seafood are swimming in polluted waters loaded with chemicals.  So bottom line, you're not going to avoid it completely but the less you ingest of these toxic ingredients the better your health will be. 

On that note...what's for dinner?  lol

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Soup Season is Here

The only thing I can actually appreciate about colder weather is a warm, healthy bowl of soup chocked full of nutrients, vitamins and vitality.  The comfort that comes along with snuggling up with a piping hot bowl of goodness almost makes the cold weather tolerable.
Yesterday I came up with this amazing recipe that is absolutely jammed with deliciousness and takes me back to my Polish roots.  It’s quick and easy and freezes well so it’s the perfect combination of a nutritious and delicious lunch or dinner.  Whip up a batch tonight and let me know how you like it.  Enjoy!!!
TGS "Unstuffed" Cabbage Soup
TGS Unstuffed Cabbage Soup


1 ¼ pound 99% lean ground turkey breast

1 small head of cabbage, chopped into small pieces

1 onion, chopped

2 garlic cloves, minced

2 - 30oz cans tomato sauce

1 - 32oz chicken broth

1 tablespoon Worchestershire sauce

¼ cup ketchup

¼ teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
In a large skillet, brown turkey breast with onions and garlic.   Meanwhile in another large skillet over medium heat, add the cabbage, season with salt and pepper, add a little water; cover and cook about 10 minutes or until cabbage is tender. 
In a large soup pot add the remaining ingredients.  Add the cooked turkey and cabbage mixture when the cabbage is cooked and tender.  Bring to a boil then reduce to low and simmer 30 minutes to an hour.   Enjoy! 
©TrainerGirlSystem 11/14                     





Thursday, December 19, 2013

Chicken Cordon Bleu...Healthy and Delicious!

I can't be the only one with this dilemma so I've decided to just put it out there.  Every single day I ask my 17 year old son what he wants for dinner and every single day I get the same answer..."I don't care.  Seriously you don't care?  Nope I don't care."    When I ask my husband what he wants for dinner, his response isn't any better it's usually "whatever you want."  Herein lies my problem because some days it's just mentally exhausting trying to figure out what to make for dinner.  I know "First World Problems".  lol 

So I decided that I would make something new once a week just to shake things up a bit.  I've been going through all my Clean Eating & Cooking Light magazines that I've subscribed to for years as I've kept them all.  I tear out the recipes that look like something my family will enjoy and throw away the rest of the magazine.  It's a win win because I'm exposing them to new dishes and cleaning up my office at the same time it's been awesome.  Why I didn't think of this years ago vs. letting the magazines pile up to the ceiling will remain a mystery to me.   

Today I made this delicious Chicken Cordon Bleu that I found in one of the magazines and of course had to "Shellyize" it to make it my own and healthier.  I replaced the cheese with the Laughing Cow Cheese and cut down on the amount of ham.  I skipped the frying part and just lightly breaded it, sprayed it with cooking spray and threw it in the oven for approximately 20 minutes and let me tell you out came cheesy gooey chicken perfection!   From start to finish dinner was made and enjoyed in less than an hour, it was easy and the best part was my son saying it was awesome!  


4 – 4 oz boneless, skinless, chicken breasts

4 wedges Laughing Cow Light swiss cheese

4 slices of deli ham

¼ cup seasoned bread crumbs

¼ cup parmesan cheese


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Place chicken in gallon size Ziploc bag.  Using a mallet or rolling pin, pound the chicken to ¼ inch thickness being careful not to tear the chicken breast.  Lay the ham out, place cheese in center and spread down the center of the ham about 1” wide.  Fold sides of ham over cheese and place ham/cheese mixture on chicken breast.  Gently roll up each breast.  Combine bread crumbs and parmesan cheese in a shallow dish.  Gently roll each chicken breast in bread crumb mixture. 

Place chicken breasts with the seam side down in a 9x13 pan sprayed with cooking spray.  Cook approximately 20 minutes or until chicken reaches 165 degrees and is cooked through.   Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


When I was a little girl, Christmas Eve was the best day of the year!  It meant traveling to Harsens Island where all of my dad's side of the family would get together.  I got to be with all of my cousins, open gifts, enjoy family time and devour traditional homemade Polish food. 

Along with the polish food we "shared" the sacramental bread Hostia.  You walked around to every person offering them a piece of yours, you took a piece of theirs, ate it and wished each other peace and a Merry Christmas, kissed/hugged.  On the Anti-side of "tradition" I NEVER took part in eating the creamed herring, it was supposed to bring you wealth (need a do-over on that one) but honestly just looking at that was disgusting as a child and I was not eating it!  lol

My fondest memories of my Busha (Grandmother) was cooking and especially on Christmas Eve the pierogies over the stove, laughing and just enjoying her family around her, always happy and talking about family and tradition.  This is my mission for making pierogies this year (and homemade kielbasa this weekend) for my dad who passed away 2 months ago.  He always talked about family and tradition and LOVED the Christmas season and celebrating with his family and friends! 

He was loved and adored  by everyone who knew him because of his values, loyalty, generosity and love of family.  I miss him more than words can ever say, he was my rock, my strength, my peace, my guidance, my protector, my maintenance man (lol) and everything else I needed him to be.  So in his honor this year I will keep tradition alive and forever more. 

XOXO Merry Christmas to all and Happy 2014!!!



2 cups all purpose flour

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 cup light sour cream

2 eggs

1-2 tablespoon Butter

2 tablespoons Olive Oil


Combine flour and salt in mixing bowl.  Whisk together eggs and sour cream in small bowl.  Add sour cream mixture to flour mixture, mixing just until combined.  Divide dough into 2 portions.  Wrap dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.  Roll each portion to a very thin 1/8th thickness on a lightly floured surface.  Cut with a 4 inch round cookie/biscuit cutter into 10 rounds.  (Note: you may re roll the dough one time with the scraps)  Spoon a heaping tablespoon of filling onto each round.  Dough is very pliable so you can fold dough over filling and press edges together to seal.  (Note: If dough will not stick together due to the flour on the round add a little water to the edge and press together.)  IMPORTANT place pierogies on parchment paper sprayed with cooking spray to prevent sticking. 

Bring 12 cups water to a boil in a deep saucepan.  Add 2 tablespoons Olive Oil.  Add pierogies 6-8 at a time; cook 2 minutes or until pierogies float.  Remove cooked pierogies with a slotted spoon and place on cake rack to drain.  Repeat procedure with remaining pierogies. 

If eating immediately, heat a saute pan with nonstick cooking spray to medium heat.  Add pierogies to pan, cook 2 minutes on each side or until golden brown.  Add 1 teaspoon butter to pan and flip pierogies for 1 minute.  Repeat procedure with remaining pierogies.   

If freezing, follow the cooking/boiling process.  When pierogies are dry, place them on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper (not touching each other) and freeze until firm (2-3 hours).  When completely frozen, place in a gallon size Ziploc baggie separating the layers with parchment paper.  When ready to use simply thaw and follow cooking procedure above. 
NOTE:  If you look closely at the edges of the pierogie they are different.  I scalloped the edges of the potato & cheese with my fingers just making dents and the sauerkraut I used a fork to seal the edges so I could tell the difference.  

Cheddar & Potato Pierogie Filling  

3 cups Potatoes, peeled and cubed

¾   cup Sharp Cheddar Cheese

¾   cup Colby Cheddar Cheese

1 clove Garlic, minced

¾ cup Onion, diced

Salt & Pepper


Place potatoes in saucepan and cover with cold water.  Bring to a boil.  Reduce heat to medium/low and continue cooking until soft.  Meanwhile sauté onion in a pan sprayed with cooking spray on medium heat until translucent, approximately 5 minutes.  Add garlic and sauté 2 minutes more.  Drain potatoes when soft and combine with cheese in a bowl and mash with potato masher.  Add onion/garlic mixture to potato mixture.  Add salt and pepper to taste.   You’re ready to fill the pierogies! 


Sauerkraut Pierogie Filling

4 cups (32 oz.) Sauerkraut

¾ cup Onion, diced

1 clove Garlic, minced. 

Salt & Pepper


Rinse sauerkraut thoroughly in a colander for 2 minutes turning constantly.  Heat a skillet over medium/high heat sprayed with cooking spray.  Add sauerkraut to skillet and continue to cook over medium high heat stirring often.  You want the sauerkraut soft and slightly browned for your filling.  Meanwhile sauté onion in a pan sprayed with cooking spray on medium heat until translucent, approximately 5 minutes.  Add garlic and sauté 2 minutes more.  Add onion mixture to sauerkraut.  Add salt and pepper to taste.  You’re ready to fill the pierogies! 

NOTE:  If you look closely the sauerkraut have "fork" indentations where the potato have finger indentations so I could tell them apart...just and FYI 
My Dad & Busha

Friday, April 5, 2013

ABC’s of Success!

*     Attitude is everything!

·        Your #1 tool for success! 

·        “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” – Winston Churchill

·        Activate your warrior mentality – you are strong, competent and in control.    


*     Believe in the process & in yourself!

·        What you believe you can achieve – expect results.

·        “To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” – Anatole France

·        Incredible things happen when you believe they are possible.    


*     Commit to the system & to yourself!

·        Do the best you can everyday – you deserve a healthy life!

·        “Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.” – Vincent van Gogh

·        Every day, every meal, every choice is a new opportunity to re-commit and succeed. 


*     Deactivate negative thoughts & pursue the positive!

·        Your life will always go in the direction of your most prominent thoughts - known as  “The Law of Attraction”

·        “Thoughts become things, choose the good ones” – Mike Dooley

·        Positive energy, thoughts and behaviors produce positive results!


*     Enjoy your progress & your journey!

·        Life is about progress, not perfection! 

·        “Success is not final, failure is not fatal.  It is the courage to continue that counts.” Winston Churchill

·        Embrace your power, celebrate every success…enjoy your journey! 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Natures Rules for a Healthy Body, Mind & Soul

Let's face it we all live by a set of rules and standards which if followed correctly creates a productive and safe living environment for us all. Following rules allows us to flourish mentally, physically and financially where we are an asset to society, not a detriment. This is how the societal system works and the same can be said about your personal health system. 

If you follow the rules that your body has naturally set you will flourish not only mentally but physically as well. However, when the body's natural rules are not followed there is disharmony, depression and disease that naturally occurs. When living in agreement with nature your body intuitively increases your immunity, activates your metabolism, increases your energy and naturally wards off depression and disease. Natures rules are not really complex as they consist of:

Eating whole, nutritious foods
Exercising your body and mind
Getting adequate amounts of rest and relaxation
Being accountable for the actions you take and the decisions you make

These really are simple rules yet we rebel against them daily and in doing so pay a heavy price...literally!! I am to encouraging you to live more naturally for 30 days. I believe that natures rules are the key to successful weight management and enjoying a healthy lifestyle which is what is the inspiration behind Trainer Girl System.

Eating whole, nutritious food is rule #1: The foods you consume must work for your body instead of against it. Consume foods in their most natural form with very few added ingredients such as poultry, lean meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, whole grains....basically anything that is not processed.  I like to say if you can pick it from a tree, dig it from the ground or it has a mother you're pretty much good to go.  These foods are naturally packed with the vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants and what your body needs to thrive and live at its optimal level. 

The cold hard truth here is that YOU are the CEO of your body and YOU get to decide what goes into your mouth. Food, contrary to popular belief, does not have control over you. A little harsh reality???? Maybe. However, if efforts are not put into place now, I'm sure you'll agree that living with heart disease, cancer, diabetes, depression and every other obesity related disease is truly the "harsh reality" and inevitably the future. Obesity and it's related diseases is an epidemic that can be controlled...YOU have the power so exercise it.

Speaking of exercise, it is an absolute must which is why it's rule #2: Your must actively move your body. Some rules are just not open to interpretation and this is one of them....not exercising is not an option. Studies have shown that exercise is an essential part of living a long healthy life and should be done daily for approximately 30 minutes daily. Studies have also shown that three 10 minute walks are as good as one 30 minute walk and seriously, I know you have 10 minutes somewhere in your day to do something great for yourself!

Strength training should also be incorporated into your plan 2-3 times per week to increase metabolism, increase bone mass, reduce stress levels, increase energy levels and the best part building muscle which in turn melts body fat! The key to making exercise a daily habit is to find something that you like to do. Helpful tip: When you exercise with friends you are more likely to stick to a program by encouraging & motivating each other along the way!  Little things also add up like taking the stairs, parking further away, getting up from your desk to tell a co-worker something instead of sending an email. 

We are all so busy these days running around, working, taking care of kids and checking off our to do lists that it's easy to cheat ourselves out of a good nights sleep due to time constraints.  Just as we make time for everything else in our lives, it is vital that we also make time to rest.  Getting less than 7 hours of sleep is detrimental to your health as it puts you at an increase risk of depression, stroke, heart disease, cancer, diabetes and weight gain. You body naturally needs sleep so rule #3: Re-balance, re-energize and rebuild your body by getting adequate amounts of rest and relaxation.

Sleeping should not be viewed as a luxury, it is a necessity. Another important note here is when you deprive your body of much needed sleep your "hunger hormones" increase and you start craving high carbohydrate sugary fat laden snack foods.  When you consume these types of foods they literally block your fat burning hormones and increases your appetite for more of these unhealthy choices. I call this the bad hamster wheel as it's a vicious cycle however it can easily be broken by simply getting enough sleep.

Lastly, it all boils down to #4: Holding ourselves accountable for the actions that we take and the decisions that we make. In order to create accountability we must turn our daily choices into reality and stop kidding ourselves that "one more cookie won't matter" because it does. Everything matters.  If you are struggling or frustrated because you can't lose weight or lack the motivation to stick to a program I encourage you to keep a journal.  It is a great tool to keep track of the foods you've eaten, your emotions (proud, upset, worried, hungry, sad, depressed, happy, celebrating a special occasion) and your daily exercise.  This is your personal journal, your journey to success as it gives you a world of insight as to your daily habits.  

There will be many success stories to celebrate along the way (which should be documented in your journal) as well as a few set-backs (which are to be expected and also documented). Creating this personal guide gives you the clarification needed as to what is keeping you from achieving your health and fitness goals. Once you know which issues seem to sabotage your efforts, you can come up with strategies to combat them which gives YOU the power over your own success.

I believe that nature knows what it's doing and it's only when man messes with it does it create disharmony in our lives, in our health and even in our environment.  Embrace the's a good thing. 


Friday, March 1, 2013

You Can't Out Train a Poor Diet

You can work out all day long but if you are consuming foods that lack the nutrients to support your efforts you'll receive poor results.  Strength training sculpts and defines your muscles but you'll never see them if your diet consists mainly of refined carbohydrates, saturated and trans fats, high fructose corn syrup and sugar as these foods are stored as belly fat. 
After a workout, nourish your body with nutrient packed foods that stoke your metabolism and turn on your natural fat burners such as lean proteins (eggs, poultry, lean meats, beans, nuts, low-fat dairy), fibrous carbohydrates (whole grains, vegetables, fruits, beans) and healthy fats (extra virgin olive oil, canola oil, avocado, nuts) to obtain maximum results and optimal health.  

You literally are what you eat which means you have the choice to determine what you're made of so what's going to be?  Sugar, dangerous fat, chemicals and additives that encourage disease, belly fat storage and inflammation in the body or wholesome nutritious foods bursting with vitamins, nutrients, antioxidants that fight free radicals, burn fat, decrease inflammation and your risk of developing disease in your body?
I say it all the time "you are not going to out train a poor diet, its impossible."  You've started the job in the gym with a power workout and now it's time to finish the job with nutritional powerhouse foods!  Hey you've already done the work so sit back and enjoy a great meal, you've earned it!