Thursday, December 19, 2013

Chicken Cordon Bleu...Healthy and Delicious!

I can't be the only one with this dilemma so I've decided to just put it out there.  Every single day I ask my 17 year old son what he wants for dinner and every single day I get the same answer..."I don't care.  Seriously you don't care?  Nope I don't care."    When I ask my husband what he wants for dinner, his response isn't any better it's usually "whatever you want."  Herein lies my problem because some days it's just mentally exhausting trying to figure out what to make for dinner.  I know "First World Problems".  lol 

So I decided that I would make something new once a week just to shake things up a bit.  I've been going through all my Clean Eating & Cooking Light magazines that I've subscribed to for years as I've kept them all.  I tear out the recipes that look like something my family will enjoy and throw away the rest of the magazine.  It's a win win because I'm exposing them to new dishes and cleaning up my office at the same time it's been awesome.  Why I didn't think of this years ago vs. letting the magazines pile up to the ceiling will remain a mystery to me.   

Today I made this delicious Chicken Cordon Bleu that I found in one of the magazines and of course had to "Shellyize" it to make it my own and healthier.  I replaced the cheese with the Laughing Cow Cheese and cut down on the amount of ham.  I skipped the frying part and just lightly breaded it, sprayed it with cooking spray and threw it in the oven for approximately 20 minutes and let me tell you out came cheesy gooey chicken perfection!   From start to finish dinner was made and enjoyed in less than an hour, it was easy and the best part was my son saying it was awesome!  


4 – 4 oz boneless, skinless, chicken breasts

4 wedges Laughing Cow Light swiss cheese

4 slices of deli ham

¼ cup seasoned bread crumbs

¼ cup parmesan cheese


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Place chicken in gallon size Ziploc bag.  Using a mallet or rolling pin, pound the chicken to ¼ inch thickness being careful not to tear the chicken breast.  Lay the ham out, place cheese in center and spread down the center of the ham about 1” wide.  Fold sides of ham over cheese and place ham/cheese mixture on chicken breast.  Gently roll up each breast.  Combine bread crumbs and parmesan cheese in a shallow dish.  Gently roll each chicken breast in bread crumb mixture. 

Place chicken breasts with the seam side down in a 9x13 pan sprayed with cooking spray.  Cook approximately 20 minutes or until chicken reaches 165 degrees and is cooked through.   Enjoy!

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