Monday, February 27, 2012

Trainer Girl Chicken "Non-Fried" Rice...Yum!!!

I just made a delicious and healthy, protein packed "all in one" meal that I thought I would share with you.  I always talk about including a protein, complex carbohydrate and healthy fat into every meal and snack (also known as a "PCF Combo" in my Trainer Girl System) and this dish totally rocks this concept.  

The benefits of including a PCF with every meal and snack are endless, however I'll touch really quick on a few highlights. 

"PCF Combo Meals and Snacks" are slow digesting which means that you will stay fuller for a longer period of time.  This also reduces your cravings for sugary, fat laden junk foods because your body is satisfied due to it's nutritional needs being met, your blood sugars are stable due to this slow digesting meal which in turn eliminates those nasty cravings!  Buh bye cookies and chips!   

Also, when you consume these types of meals, your body will feel incredible energy and will function at its optimal level.  The best part is when you give your body what it naturally craves, good nutritious foods, it will use those foods to provide you with energy by mobilizing and eliminating your stored body fat as its use for energy.  All win win!!! 

This recipe can be used as a meal in and of itself.  I love it, my kids love it and I hope you will too.

Trainer Girl Chicken "Non-Fried" Rice


2 pounds Chicken Breast (cooked and diced into small pieces)

3 cups Brown Rice (cooked according to package instructions using Chicken Broth instead of water)

2-3 cups Chicken Broth (use according to package directions to cook Brown Rice)

3 Green Onions (chopped into small 1/4" pieces)

3 Carrots (chopped into small 1/4" pieces)

1 cup Frozen Peas

3 Eggs 

2 Tablespoons plus 1/3 cup Lite Soy Sauce (more or less according to your taste)


Spray a large skillet with non-stick cooking spray over medium heat.  Add onions & carrots and saute until soft.  Next add chicken and 2 Tablespoons Soy Sauce and stir fry 3-5 minutes until heated through. 

Meanwhile, spray a small skillet with non-stick cooking spray over medium/high heat.  Crack Eggs into a bowl and whip them together.  Pour Eggs into the heated skillet and cook "scrambled eggs" style. 

To large skillet, add the cooked rice and frozen peas and heat through (I like to keep the peas a little crunchy).  Finally, stir in scrambled eggs and 1/3 cup Soy Sauce (more or less to taste), heat through and enjoy. could also save yourself some time with this dish by using a pre-cooked Rotisserie Chicken from the grocery store.  This dish is great served hot or cold, works great for lunch, dinner or a quick snack.  It is delicious and packed full of fiber, protein and a healthy fat to keep you energized and satisfied.  Enjoy!


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