Wednesday, September 7, 2011

New Beginnings

It seems to be the official day to "start new beginnings" (at least here in the Anchor Bay School District) as the kids go back to school, teachers going back to school and next week starts a new boot camp session. You're not getting new pencils, notebooks or backpacks are getting something better! lol A more toned, healthier version of you! Come on, get excited!!! Alright, I'll take a quick moment to "remind" you why we LOVE doing this :)

Strength training is the only way to increase lean body mass (also know as muscle) which increases your metabolic rate...meaning it increases the rate at which you burn body fat!  blah blah blah right???

o.k....for every pound of muscle you have on your body, you burn 50 calories per day...that's how much energy it takes to sustain muscle mass, it's very active! For every pound of fat you have on your body, you only burn 2 calories per day. So, lets say we increase your lean tissue mass and build 5 pounds of pure muscle, that equals an extra 250 being burned per day at rest, you're burning fat while you sit at your computer!

Strength training also creates balance and symmetry in the way you move your body and the way your muscles "pull" on your skeletal system, potentially resolving, or even avoiding many orthopedic (low back pain, knee issues) problems. It also increases the strength of connective tissue which helps to prevent injury. You know I am all about avoiding any unnecessary injuries...prevention is ALWAYS the best medicine!

The key to success is simply staying consistent. It pays to be patient and persistent while achieving your health and fitness goals. The best approach that I've found to weight (waist) management is to focus on making a lifestyle change that YOU can live with and those changes should slowly be incorporated into your daily life. Each success or step in the right direction should be celebrated, you've made an investment in yourself because YOU ARE WORTH IT so embrace your power and start lifting!

To Your Success!

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