Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Is There Ever a "Right" Time?

You betcha!  It's now!  The right time to embrace living a healthy lifestyle is today, when you actually have the "choice" to do so.  You have the power today, so there really is no point in waiting until that power to choose is taken away from you by heart failure, diabetes, stroke, cancer...you know those nasty demons that are just lurking in the dark.  Harsh words, yes, but I'd rather see you struggling with a few harsh words than the harsh reality of disease! 

The challenge?  Do one thing today, right now actually, to start this process.  How about deciding on what healthy meal to cook this evening, or parking further away from stores entrance while running errands, take those stairs, it could actually be as simple as refusing to "supersize" your lunch...save yourself the 25 cents and hours at the gym!

Commit now and choose to make one positive change today, tomorrow will thank you! 

To your success! 


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