Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Make the Most of Everyday


As we near the end of February two things immediately come to mind with this quote. The first is swimsuit season and the second is how many people made a resolution to work out and have fallen off their original plan.

“Because the next few months will go by no matter if you workout or not…make them count.”

It’s a reminder that you still have a few months before shedding the boots, bulky coats, jeans and sweaters and exchanging them for flip flops, sweatshirts, shorts and tanks.

Every workout doesn’t have to be hours in the gym so if you don’t have that much time to dedicate to working out, or you are just starting out and looking for ways to increase physical activity, these strategies are sure to bring an extra calorie burn to your day.

Take a walk during your lunch hour (stairs at your office or get some fresh air)

Park further away from the store entrance (I actually like to park by the cart return in the middle of the lot for two reasons; I don’t need anyone picking up after me by leaving my cart wherever, and there are no carts around to ding my car because they are where they belong in the car return)

Climb the stairs whenever possible instead of taking the elevator (I can’t tell you how many times I see people using the escalator when the stairs are literally right next to it…seriously?)

Walk and tell a co-worker information instead of using email (kick it old school!)

Walk around your house and clean while you are on the phone instead of sitting (you’ll enjoy your conversation and your clean house when you hang up…it’s a twofer!)

Run up and down the stairs during commercials while watching television shows

Go outside and garden, wash your car, do lawn work, shovel snow (don’t hire these jobs out)

Do walking lunges from room to room (killer calorie burn going on there!)

Do squats while folding the laundry, leave the basket on the floor and bend down to pick up each piece to be folded

Do some chair dips, bump squats, push-ups in your office when you feel you need major caffeine (trust me, this will naturally get the blood flowing!)

You’ve only got one life to live and enjoy. More importantly only one body to get around in…make the most of everyday. Invest in yourself…YOU are worth it.

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