Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Secret to Controlling Your Cravings

At least once a week I have a conversation with someone who wants to know what they should be drinking if they don’t like the taste of water and my answer is always the same…drink more water.  This is usually how the conversation goes…

Them: I don’t like the taste of water, what can I drink instead?

Me: More water.

Them: I just said I don’t like water that’s why I’m asking you what else I should drink.

Me: Yes, I know you think you don’t like water that’s why I’m telling you to drink more water.

Them: You don’t understand what I’m saying, I don’t like water!

Me: No you don’t understand what I’m saying.  The more water you drink, the more your body will actually crave water. 

And on and on this conversation will go turning into a bad Abbot and Costello routine until they finally get the message that there is no substitute for water.  It may take a week of adding fresh squeezed lemons, sliced fruit or you could even do the spa thing and add sliced cucumbers but find something that flavors the water until this “craving water” process takes place.

My favorite part of this conversation usually happens about 2 weeks later when they quietly admit that I was right and they are now enjoying water more.  I then tell them that it’s not “me” that’s right as I’m just the messenger, it’s their body that is right and is now craving what it wants and needs to survive. 

I feel the same way about healthy foods and have that conversation with clients, friends and family almost daily.  The conversation is text book and goes the same way… “I don’t like the healthy food, I don’t like salads, I’m sick of eating chicken, I like fried foods, I can’t go without sugar, I crave carbohydrates like chips, cookies, pasta, bread etc….”

Here is the basic principal that will give you the secret and therefore the power in controlling your cravings…Your body will crave and desire what you continually feed it.  If you feed it salty, sugary fatty foods that’s what it knows, and that's what it craves. 

The same is true if you feed it nutritionally packed, loaded with nutrients, bursting with vitamins and antioxidants foods as these will be the foods your body knows and therefore what it craves!     

Consuming high levels of sugar, fat and salt will actually trigger a chemical that stimulates the pleasure area of your brain.  The more you eat these kinds of foods the more you enjoy them and the more you will crave them.  Consuming these foods literally becomes an addiction and like any other addiction you believe you can’t live without it.  Unfortunately like any other addiction you also need to consume more to get that "high" which is why this country is suffering with such an obesity epidemic...we are literally addicted to food!   And what's worse, the more we eat the more we want and so the destructive cycle continues.

As stated earlier with the basic principle, if you crave what you continually consume then it is possible to crave healthier foods…this I know for sure as I am a prime example of this phenomenon.  I used to crave all the junk food and consumed a lot of it, I felt the addiction.  I am happy to say I now crave nutritionally packed foods because I feel energized and happy when I eat them vs. lethargic and miserable when I ate the junk. 

Personally I hear “You have so much willpower” or “it wouldn’t kill you to just eat a burger and fries once in a while” oh the remarks get better but you get the point.  What I try to explain to them is I don’t crave those sugary fatty foods anymore because I’ve replaced them with healthier versions and that’s what my body craves. 

I love eating my homemade turkey burgers and baked fries.  I enjoy a big plate of my homemade spaghetti sauce over spaghetti squash.  I like a big salad loaded with vegetables, lean protein and a balsamic vinaigrette on the side.  That’s what my body craves because that’s what I feed it.  I don’t crave sugar at all anymore as I beat the addiction years ago.  I literally had a candy drawer and if I could see the bottom I started to panic and refilled it immediately.

There are two ways to beat food addiction, you can go cold turkey and eliminate all processed foods, fast foods, saturated fats, sugars etc…or you can slowly start replacing these foods with healthier options.  There is no right or wrong way in my opinion as I believe it is all based on your personality and what you are mentally and physically ready for. 

Either option you choose I will tell you like any other addiction you will have withdrawal symptoms such as cravings, headaches, sadness, anger, irritability and these are completely normal.  Not fun, but normal.  Your body is literally detoxifying and eliminating all of the chemicals, sugar and junk out of your system.  As I said not enjoyable, but absolutely necessary.

There is an amazing reward for putting yourself through this process as you’ll experience unbelievable energy (no more 3:00pm slump), weight loss (bonus!), increased confidence (look out world!), reduced stress levels (seriously that alone is worth the effort), decreased risk of disease (you won’t miss all those doctor appointments I promise), increased immunity (bye sickness), improved sleep (blissful rest) and the list just goes on and on.

I’m challenging you for one week to consume ½ your body weight in water plus more if you exercise.  Meaning if you weigh 150 pounds you will need to consume 75oz. of water plus more with exercise. 

I’m also challenging you to eliminate processed foods, fried foods, sugary foods, fat laden foods, any foods that do not have a nutritional value to them.  Replace them with natural food, foods that don’t have labels like produce, lean meats, whole grains and watch the magic take place.

As I said earlier if you feel you are not ready to eliminate completely I challenge you to replace a few unhealthy choices with healthier options.  If you can’t give up your chips, choose the baked ones.  If you can’t give up your whopper burger, choose the Jr. one. (I can’t even believe I just wrote that!)  My point is you can wean yourself slowly off of these toxic foods until your body no longer craves them. 

If there is one thing I’ve learned over the years of being a fitness trainer and weight management specialist is that people go about change in many different ways.  To be successful with a life change you must do what fits into your lifestyle.  Small changes become habits and if continually executed those habits become a lifestyle change.   Leading a healthy lifestyle not only adds years to your life, it adds quality to your life.      

However you get there you owe it to yourself to be the best you can be!  It’s worth it.  You are worth it.  The biggest investment you can make is in yourself so you can enjoy the company of your family, friends and loved ones for many years to come with an abundance of energy and zest for life.  

You get one chance at this life...enjoy it and live it well! 
© Trainer Girl System 2/28/13

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