Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Building a Support Network

Tip of the day…Build a Support Network
Building a great support network is essential to your success!  When you surround yourself with people of like interests, who are striving for similar goals, or people who just want to cheer you on success is inevitable. 

This group will be instrumental in keeping you on the healthy path by holding you accountable, giving you encouragement, providing inspiration, motivation and sometimes pulling you through some of your toughest struggles.   One of the many benefits to creating a support system is the camaraderie that is established in which you will share tips and strategies which encourages and accelerates success.  The more people you have on your side, the easier living a healthy lifestyle becomes.  

Think of it as establishing your team and begin by creating your "Board of Directors".  These are your allies!  Your game plan is to incorporate a wide variety of friends and family who will support you, lend their encouragement (without judgment) and provide fun along the way.    The key to success is consistency.  By consistently surrounding yourself with the best, you become your best and continue to rise to a new level accomplishing all of your goals and dreams.    

Consider filling the following positions…
The "Encourager" who is needed for moral support

The "Motivator" will inspire you to exercise, even when you don’t feel like it

The "Informer" to provide the health and fitness information needed to create a healthy lifestyle

The "Comic" will keep you laughing and entertained throughout the journey

The "Accountant" who will hold you accountable and focused on your goals

The "Counselor" who will be there to listen, empathize and encourage your efforts

The "Chef" who loves to cook healthy meals, searches for healthy & delicious recipes to try and to share

Now get out the clip board and start interviewing!

To your success!

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