Saturday, October 27, 2012

Effective Goal Setting

Tip of the Day...Effective Goal Setting

To effectively reach a goal, you must first clearly identify the goal. Think of it as picking a destination, if you don't know exactly where you are going, how can you plan a route to get there?

Decide what is most important to you at this moment? Health, peace, success, achievement, feeling good about yourself, feeling proud of yourself? Make a consc...
ious effort to state exactly what you want as this process activates a positive mindset to achieve the goals that you've set forth for yourself.

Keep your energy focused on how your life will change by achieving these goals and at this stage of your life. Believe that it is possible and act as if you have already achieved the goal. Once something becomes "real to you" it encourages the behavioral change necessary to achieve success!

To your success!

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