Saturday, October 27, 2012

Creating a Vision

Tip of the Day...Creating a vision

Visualizing yourself achieving the things you wish to accomplish is the first step toward your success. Employ the "Law of Attraction" which simply states that what you consistently focus on becomes a reality. Set your mind to create a vision of where you want to be in one week, one month and one year. Define your vision and create a "vision statement".

A vision statement is your personal inspiration that will ultimately lead you to success. It reminds you of your goals, dreams and what you are working towards accomplishing. A vision statement doesn't necessarily tell you "how" to reach your destination, it simply captures your passion for what you desire and inspires you to take positive action. Write down this statement and keep it somewhere that you will see it every day.

You can also create a "vision board" by finding things, quotes or pictures that clearly represent what you desire. Glue them on a poster board and again keep it somewhere that you will see it everyday. These don't literally have to be displayed for everyone to see as it is a very detailed personal motivation tool that will serve to inspire you daily to reach for your dreams and goals.

Visualization works because your brain can not tell the difference between what is imagined and what is real. Think about it. We have all had the experience where we are frightened that something bad is about to happen (a medical test, fear of flying, someone entering your home when you're alone) your heart starts racing, your stomach is upset, the stress level goes through the roof! What happened? You activated the "Fight or Flight Response" when you imagined the worst and your body reacted to it. It wasn't real, it was imagined and all those feelings were activated by your vision of something bad happening.

The same is true with visualizing positive things, seeing yourself achieving your goals and living your dreams. Your vision statement has an incredible amount of influence on guiding every day decisions and making positive daily choices that ultimately will lead to success.

Visualize something beyond fantastic for yourself today!

To your success!

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