Saturday, November 3, 2012

TGS Turkey Chili

Whats for dinner??? Turkey Chili

Every Halloween I have the same tradition, around noon I begin making a large pot of chili to share with my neighbors as we hand out candy to the little trick-or-treaters. I created this recipe many years ago and it's always a hit whether I make it for my son's Birthday party, take it to a bon fire or make it for the ladies in my boot camp class for lunch.

It's even a hit with the people (you know who you are lol) that claim not to like ground turkey as you say things like "it has no taste, I don't like the consistency, it's too dry" yada yada yada. I'm asking you to please...give turkey a chance. This is such a flavorful recipe I guarantee you'll love it! When it cools the next day freeze it in individual Ziploc containers for a quick and easy lunch or dinner for these cold months ahead of us...saves time, money and the effort of making a new dish. Enjoy!

TGS Turkey Chili

TGS Turkey Chili

2 - packages “Extra Lean Ground Turkey” 100% Breast Meat (1-2 grams of fat per serving)
6 – Crushed Cloves Garlic
2 – Tablespoons Chili Powder
2 – Tablespoons Cumin
4 – Cans Basil Garlic Oregano Delmonte Tomatoes (or any tomatoes that you like)
2 – 14oz. Cans Black Beans, drained & rinsed
2 – 14oz. Cans Kidney Beans, drained & rinsed
2 – 14oz. Cans Cannelini or Garbanzo Beans, drained & rinsed
2 – 30 oz. Jars Salsa (Medium if you like a little kick, Mild if you don’t)

Brown the turkey over medium/high heat. Add garlic, chili powder & cumin. Stir in tomatoes, beans and salsa. Bring to a boil, reduce to medium heat for 30 minutes stirring often. Reduce heat again to simmer to allow all flavors to fully develop and continue simmering chili for 2-4 hours. Enjoy!

Don't forget to freeze the leftovers in individual portions for a quick and easy meal

© Trainer Girl 11/3/12

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Building a Support Network

Tip of the day…Build a Support Network
Building a great support network is essential to your success!  When you surround yourself with people of like interests, who are striving for similar goals, or people who just want to cheer you on success is inevitable. 

This group will be instrumental in keeping you on the healthy path by holding you accountable, giving you encouragement, providing inspiration, motivation and sometimes pulling you through some of your toughest struggles.   One of the many benefits to creating a support system is the camaraderie that is established in which you will share tips and strategies which encourages and accelerates success.  The more people you have on your side, the easier living a healthy lifestyle becomes.  

Think of it as establishing your team and begin by creating your "Board of Directors".  These are your allies!  Your game plan is to incorporate a wide variety of friends and family who will support you, lend their encouragement (without judgment) and provide fun along the way.    The key to success is consistency.  By consistently surrounding yourself with the best, you become your best and continue to rise to a new level accomplishing all of your goals and dreams.    

Consider filling the following positions…
The "Encourager" who is needed for moral support

The "Motivator" will inspire you to exercise, even when you don’t feel like it

The "Informer" to provide the health and fitness information needed to create a healthy lifestyle

The "Comic" will keep you laughing and entertained throughout the journey

The "Accountant" who will hold you accountable and focused on your goals

The "Counselor" who will be there to listen, empathize and encourage your efforts

The "Chef" who loves to cook healthy meals, searches for healthy & delicious recipes to try and to share

Now get out the clip board and start interviewing!

To your success!

Monday, October 29, 2012

TGS Chinese Chicken

Whats for dinner??? TGS Chinese Chicken

On this blustery night, instead of going out in the rain and cold for Chinese "take-out" I decided to stay warm and dry so I "cooked-in". It was awesome, fresh, easy and so much healthier than take out! Here's my healthier version of General Tso's Chicken.

“TGS Chinese Chicken”

2 lb. skinless Chicken Breast
1/2 cup Corn Starch
2 Eggs
1/2 cup Brown Sugar
3 Tablespoons Sweet Chili Sauce
1 1/2 Tablespoons Sweet Cooking Rice Wine
1 1/2 Tablespoons Seasoned Rice Vinegar
2 Tablespoons Ketchup
2 Tablespoons Lite Soy Sauce
1/2 cup Water
2 Tablespoons Corn Starch
1/4 cup Green Onions, chopped

Cut chicken into 1" pieces. Mix together eggs and ½ cup cornstarch. Mix well to create a batter. Stir in chicken pieces to batter.

Mix together the brown sugar, sweet chili sauce, cooking rice wine, vinegar, ketchup, soy sauce and heat in a small sauce pan to thicken sauce. Boil at low for 3 minutes, add cornstarch to cold water then add this mixture into the sauce to thicken it further stirring for 30 seconds. Remove sauce from heat.

Spray a pan with Pam cooking spray and drop the chicken pieces into the heated pan and cook chicken until no longer pink.

Pour sauce over cooked chicken and mix thoroughly in the pan. Pour chicken into a serving dish and garnish with green onions.


Saturday, October 27, 2012

Delicious Lentil Soup

What's for dinner??? Delicious Lentil Soup

I can't believe how quickly Michigan weather changes! Yesterday 70+ degrees, sunny gorgeous. Today grey, cloudy and in the 50's! It's time for comfort food and this soup is perfect and can whipped up in about an hour.  Make a batch today and remember to freeze the leftovers in individual containers for a heathy and quick meal for weeks to come.  Enjoy!

 Lentil Soup
3 Tablespoon Olive Oil
1 Onion chopped small
2 Carrots, chopped small
2 Cloves Garlic, minced
1 tsp. Dried Oregano
1 tsp. Dried Basil
1 Bay Leaf
2 (14.5 ounce) cans Small Diced Tomatoes
1 16 oz bag Dried Lentils
1 can (14.5 ounce) Chicken Stock 99% Fat Free
8 cups Water
¼ tsp. Red Pepper Flakes (optional)
2 Tbsp. Rice Vinegar (or any vinegar)
Salt & Pepper to taste

In large pot, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add onions and carrots and stir until onion is tender. Stir in garlic, bay leaf, oregano and basil and cook 1 minute. Stir in lentils, chicken stock, water, tomatoes and red pepper flakes. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for at least 1 hour. Remove ½ of the soup from the pot and place in a blender, puree until smooth. Add pureed soup mixture back into the pot. Stir in vinegar and add salt & pepper to taste. Garnish with chopped green onion if desired.
Makes 5 (2 cup) servings

Creating a Plan

Tip of the Day…Creating a Plan

Just as important as clearly defining a goal and visualizing it, effective goal setting requires a specific plan on how you will achieve it. You’ve heard it said before “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Without a clearly defined plan as to how you will reach your goal, goal setting is useless.

To develop a solid “Game Plan” (plan of action) start with yo...
ur long term goal then break it down into shorter, easier attainable goals. By reaching a series of smaller achievements it will allow you to build the solid foundation required to ensure long term success.

Solid foundations are built by adding many layers of strength that synergistically work together. Creating a positive “synergistic effect” simply means that you are combining forces that will work together to produce a greater outcome…in essence creating layers of success!

Begin this process by writing down your long term goal. Next break that goal down into 3 “short term goals” that are quicker and easier to attain. Digging further break each of those short term goals down into what you plan to do daily, weekly and monthly to ensure long term success. As you can see you are synergistically creating layers of strength, building a foundation, creating new habits and adapting to new behaviors as you strive for long term success.

You may not be able to come up with every step possible just do your best as these can easily be revised along the way. Stay focused on the goals that can be met and by doing so you’ll gain the confidence and strength needed to work up to the others.
Positive behavior change is acquired by slowly adapting to new habits and by incorporating them into your lifestyle. Success isn’t about being perfect it’s about staying on the path and consistently taking steps in the right direction, no matter how big or how small, as that plan will always bring you to your desired destination.

Plan your success story today!

Creating a Vision

Tip of the Day...Creating a vision

Visualizing yourself achieving the things you wish to accomplish is the first step toward your success. Employ the "Law of Attraction" which simply states that what you consistently focus on becomes a reality. Set your mind to create a vision of where you want to be in one week, one month and one year. Define your vision and create a "vision statement".

A vision statement is your personal inspiration that will ultimately lead you to success. It reminds you of your goals, dreams and what you are working towards accomplishing. A vision statement doesn't necessarily tell you "how" to reach your destination, it simply captures your passion for what you desire and inspires you to take positive action. Write down this statement and keep it somewhere that you will see it every day.

You can also create a "vision board" by finding things, quotes or pictures that clearly represent what you desire. Glue them on a poster board and again keep it somewhere that you will see it everyday. These don't literally have to be displayed for everyone to see as it is a very detailed personal motivation tool that will serve to inspire you daily to reach for your dreams and goals.

Visualization works because your brain can not tell the difference between what is imagined and what is real. Think about it. We have all had the experience where we are frightened that something bad is about to happen (a medical test, fear of flying, someone entering your home when you're alone) your heart starts racing, your stomach is upset, the stress level goes through the roof! What happened? You activated the "Fight or Flight Response" when you imagined the worst and your body reacted to it. It wasn't real, it was imagined and all those feelings were activated by your vision of something bad happening.

The same is true with visualizing positive things, seeing yourself achieving your goals and living your dreams. Your vision statement has an incredible amount of influence on guiding every day decisions and making positive daily choices that ultimately will lead to success.

Visualize something beyond fantastic for yourself today!

To your success!

Effective Goal Setting

Tip of the Day...Effective Goal Setting

To effectively reach a goal, you must first clearly identify the goal. Think of it as picking a destination, if you don't know exactly where you are going, how can you plan a route to get there?

Decide what is most important to you at this moment? Health, peace, success, achievement, feeling good about yourself, feeling proud of yourself? Make a consc...
ious effort to state exactly what you want as this process activates a positive mindset to achieve the goals that you've set forth for yourself.

Keep your energy focused on how your life will change by achieving these goals and at this stage of your life. Believe that it is possible and act as if you have already achieved the goal. Once something becomes "real to you" it encourages the behavioral change necessary to achieve success!

To your success!

Friday, August 24, 2012

My Big Fat Greek Salad

My Big Fat Greek Salad
OMG I just whipped up the BEST Greek dressing ever!  Fresh & tangy and oh so delicious on my beautiful salad which is just bursting with nutrients!  You know I talk all the time about creating Trainer Girl PCF Combo meals and this one is perfect, satisfying and so very scrumptious! The Protein in the salad is the chicken and the feta, the Carbohydrates are the veggies and the healthy Fat is the Olive Oil in the dressing and also in the feta.

This is a must try for a great lunch and even a fantastic dinner on these hot summer nights.  It was extremely easy also because it was left over chicken from the night before :)  You know I love the "cook once and eat many times" principle and what could be easier on a busy night than throwing a few ingredients together for a complete, healthy and satisfying meal.  Try it tonight :)

Remember...a serving size of dressing is 2 Tablespoons and a great way to always dress your salad is by having it on the side and dipping each forkful into the dressing. This way it's not saturating the entire salad, you'll use less and have control over your calorie consumption.

My Big Fat Greek Salad
Romain Lettuce- as much as you want
Tomato - as much as you want
Cucumber - as much as you want
3 - Slices of Beets
3 - Kalamata Olives
1 inch cube of Feta Cheese crumbled
3 oz. Cooked Chicken

My Big Fat Greek Dressing
2/3 cup Rice Vinegar (I like Nakano with the red cap)
1 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1 1/4 teaspoon dried oregano
1 1/4 teaspoon dried basil
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup Olive Oil

Place all ingredients except the olive oil into a blender and blend a few seconds.  On the lowest speed of the blender, very slowly drizzle the olive oil into the vinegar herb mixture.  This will give you a creamy texture and allow the dressing to emulsify and prevent separation of the oil and vinegar. 

This recipe makes approximately 1 1/4 cups of dressing, store leftovers in the refrigerator up to a week.   


Leave a comment and let me know how you like it :)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A "Souper" Idea to Stay on Track

Yes...Soup for You!

What could be better than a piping hot bowl of soup on a cold winter day?  A "healthy" piping hot bowl of soup loaded with nutrients, vitamins and good things to keep those winter blues and winter flues away!

I love to make a big pot of soup on the weekend to not only enjoy immediately, but also to freeze the rest in individual containers for a quick and healthy lunch that can be enjoyed for the next few months.  As I advocate to my clients, sticking to a healthy eating program is so much easier when you are prepared which is why I love the idea of the"cook once & eat for days" concept.  Let's face it, we are all very busy, so having things prepared ahead of time is a life saver!

Over the weekend, I not only made this "Mushroom Egg Drop" soup (pictured above) but two others as well.  I made a "Cream of Asparagus" soup that was delicious and I may I add that one of the best things about this soup was that it didn't actually contain any cream (as I am lactose intolerant) the creaminess came from pureeing the soup after it was cooked.  No added fat or calories there!  I also made a Mushroom Barley soup that was to die for, again loaded with nutrients and absolutely fabulous! 

"What's with the mushroom fest" you may be asking?   Well, these little babies are packed full of Vitamin D (the nutrient that especially us Michiganders are lacking in the winter months due to the lack of sunshine)  but they are also known for their powerful effects on the immune system and their anti-viral capabilities.  Now, when you add in a little spinach which is loaded with antioxidants including Vitamin C (which is a great winter cold fighter) toss a few eggs into the mix, which is one of the best sources of protein on the planet and a key ingredient for keeping you full for hours...well my friends, it's just pure magic!   I must also tell you that the carotenoids that are found in asparagus are known for their anti-inflammatory compounds and a known de-toxifyer.  So, you're not only eating something delicious and keeping yourself are becoming a warrior against illness!  Total win win! 

Today I am challenging you to make it a point of gathering some ingredients throughout the week, so on the weekend (or whatever day works best for you) you'll be able to make a few of these soups to enjoy fresh and freeze the rest.  I am a big fan of the Ziploc 2cup round containers as they hold a serving size, stack nicely in my freezer and easily pop out into my microwave safe bowls to reheat but use whatever works for you to freeze your leftovers. 

All of the soup recipes that I made over the weekend are below.  I know it may seem like a hassle to gather ingredients, cook a meal, clean up afterward etc...but I'm telling you, nothing is more satisfying than eating a delicious meal, that you prepared with wholesome ingredients, and it's ready in only 5 that's what I call fast food!   Grab a pot my friends & please let me know how your soups turns out. 


Trainer Girl "Mushroom Egg Drop Soup"


3 cups low-sodium chicken broth

1/2 cup thinly sliced green onions

2 cups fresh baby spinach, washed

2 cups thinly sliced mushrooms (baby portobello, button, shitake, any mushrooms you like)

1/2 tsp low-sodium soy sauce

1/2 cup Egg Beaters


Bring broth to a boil over medium heat.  Reduce the heat to low and add green onions, spinach and soy sauce and simmer 5 minutes.  Slowly add in Egg Beaters in a drizzle while continually stirring soup with a fork to create "shreds" of the eggs, cook approximately 2 minutes.  Serve immediately and enjoy.

Trainer Girl "Mushroom Barley Soup"


2 pounds sliced mushrooms (white button, baby portobello, shitake or any mushrooms you like)

2 thinly sliced green onions 

2 cloves garlic, minced

4-5 cups low-sodium chicken broth

2 cups water

1 cup quick-cooking barley


Spray a large pot with a non-stick cooking spray and heat over medium high heat.  Add mushrooms, onion and garlic, season with a little salt & pepper.  Saute mixture until the vegetables have softened approximately 5 minutes.

Add the broth and water to the pot and bring to a boil.  Reduce the heat down to a simmer and add the barley, cooking the barley until tender approximately 15 minutes.  Serve immediately and enjoy!

Trainer Girl "Cream" of Asparagus Soup


2 thinly sliced green onions

3 cups fresh raw asparagus, chopped into 2" pieces (approximately 1-2 bunches)
* Remember to chop off bottom "woody" end, approximately 1-2" off bottom of asparagus

3 cups low-sodium chicken broth

Spray a medium sized soup pot with non-stick cooking spray and heat over medium high heat.  Add onions and saute until soft, approximately 2 minutes.  Add broth and asparagus to pot, cover and cook until asparagus is tender, approximately 20 minutes.

Remove from heat and let cool slightly.  Working in batches, transfer 1/2 of the soup to a blender and  puree to a smooth consistency, return the mixture to a new pot and repeat with the remaining 1/2 of the soup.  Bring the soup back up to desired temperature, serve immediately & enjoy! 



Monday, February 27, 2012

Trainer Girl Chicken "Non-Fried" Rice...Yum!!!

I just made a delicious and healthy, protein packed "all in one" meal that I thought I would share with you.  I always talk about including a protein, complex carbohydrate and healthy fat into every meal and snack (also known as a "PCF Combo" in my Trainer Girl System) and this dish totally rocks this concept.  

The benefits of including a PCF with every meal and snack are endless, however I'll touch really quick on a few highlights. 

"PCF Combo Meals and Snacks" are slow digesting which means that you will stay fuller for a longer period of time.  This also reduces your cravings for sugary, fat laden junk foods because your body is satisfied due to it's nutritional needs being met, your blood sugars are stable due to this slow digesting meal which in turn eliminates those nasty cravings!  Buh bye cookies and chips!   

Also, when you consume these types of meals, your body will feel incredible energy and will function at its optimal level.  The best part is when you give your body what it naturally craves, good nutritious foods, it will use those foods to provide you with energy by mobilizing and eliminating your stored body fat as its use for energy.  All win win!!! 

This recipe can be used as a meal in and of itself.  I love it, my kids love it and I hope you will too.

Trainer Girl Chicken "Non-Fried" Rice


2 pounds Chicken Breast (cooked and diced into small pieces)

3 cups Brown Rice (cooked according to package instructions using Chicken Broth instead of water)

2-3 cups Chicken Broth (use according to package directions to cook Brown Rice)

3 Green Onions (chopped into small 1/4" pieces)

3 Carrots (chopped into small 1/4" pieces)

1 cup Frozen Peas

3 Eggs 

2 Tablespoons plus 1/3 cup Lite Soy Sauce (more or less according to your taste)


Spray a large skillet with non-stick cooking spray over medium heat.  Add onions & carrots and saute until soft.  Next add chicken and 2 Tablespoons Soy Sauce and stir fry 3-5 minutes until heated through. 

Meanwhile, spray a small skillet with non-stick cooking spray over medium/high heat.  Crack Eggs into a bowl and whip them together.  Pour Eggs into the heated skillet and cook "scrambled eggs" style. 

To large skillet, add the cooked rice and frozen peas and heat through (I like to keep the peas a little crunchy).  Finally, stir in scrambled eggs and 1/3 cup Soy Sauce (more or less to taste), heat through and enjoy. could also save yourself some time with this dish by using a pre-cooked Rotisserie Chicken from the grocery store.  This dish is great served hot or cold, works great for lunch, dinner or a quick snack.  It is delicious and packed full of fiber, protein and a healthy fat to keep you energized and satisfied.  Enjoy!